Spin Bee� Baiter 2-Pack
Spin Bee is the answer for bait anglers who want to provide enticing jig patterns - combining fly and jig intrigue for fish, the superior fly/jig appeal that Spin Bee� Baiters provide. Sold 2 per pack!
Like it's cousin the Spin Bee� except with the flash blade removed allowing anglers to use full minnows, leeches or crawlers without impeding the action of the bait (Note full pieces of red worm. leeches, full minnows will impede the flash and roll of the blade for the Spin Bee� spinner). One Spin Bee� Baiter is a great solution for anglers seeking walleye, trout, bass, white bass, perch, crappie, bluegills or pike.
NEW SPIN-BEE� ZONES Brochure (Download .pdf)
Grab a selection of colors and the combination of the Spin Bee� Spinner jigs and Spin Bee� Baiter to call on the enticing fly-jig appeal to work structure on lake or river - jigging up fish which swim to regular jigs but don't strike. Fish in the mid-active to neutral phases find interest in the shape and hair patterns of the proven Spin Bee� family of jigs. When other anglers struggle, you can sting into strikes with Spin Bee� Spinner and Baiters.
Find an assortment of hues ranging from the bright chartreuse and pink and white patterns to the contrasted darker colors black/white, candy cane or sucker patterns which work well in bright or clear water. Call upon the brightness of the vivid colors for darker waters in lakes and rivers. Walleye and bass anglers will sink into the pink, chartreuse wile crappie, perch and bluegill anglers will gravitate towards the yellow and black, sucker and candy cane Spin Bee� jigs. Fussy crappies, snoopy walleyes, picky perch and backing bluegills will take a second look and strike the Spin Bee� collection - you might make this one of your favorite jigs next to the Ugly Bug jigs.
SpinBee + Nepag hit the river zone.