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BOOK - Crappie & Other Panfish
Gapen Crappie & Other Panfish Book | Crappie Fishing | Crappie Tips | How to Catch Crappie
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Crappie & Other Panfish
A Fish for all Seasons
By Dan Gapen Sr.
Price: $12.95

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"Crappie" & Other Panfish
- By Dan Gapen Sr.
Crappie history, biology, habits, species, and hangouts are discussed in this NEW 138 p.p. of crappie literature. Mister Crappie truly is a fish for all seasons and each of them, fall-winter-spring-summer are exposed. Crappie spawning grounds, deepwater sanctuaries, beneath winter ice, brush pile techniques, and surface feeding habits all become part of the reader knowledge as pages pass. Crappie fishing equipment and tackle are explained. This book abounds in maps which show crappie holding patterns and illustrations which expose those tricks every crappie angler wants to know. Crappie 'a fish for all seasons' is a book which any dedicated panfisherman would enjoy owning.

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